Saturday, April 26, 2025
Join us and support our Cancer Support Ministry for the 3rd Annual Color Out Cancer 5K on Saturday, April 26! Check in begins at 7:30AM at The Branch building at our Original Campus in Milner. Race starts at 9AM. Enjoy various vendors and food trucks throughout the event plus enjoy a color powder war at the end of your race! This event is open to all ages and skill levels. The race is tracked professionally with bibs and chip numbers and you will have access to comprehensive race day results. All proceeds benefit Rock Springs Church Cancer Support Ministry.
All sponsorships are due by March 14
Platinum- $3,000
-Logo on Individual sponsor banner
-Name on event shirt
-Personal banner with logo
-Hyperlink on event website
-5 free runners
Gold - $1500
-Name on sponsor banner
-Hyperlink on event website
-Name on event shirt
Silver - $500
-Name on sponsor banner
Cheering Station - $250 (6 sponsorships available)
-Sponsor sign at station location
Photo Wall/ Backdrop - $650 (1 sponsorship available)
-Name on sign at photo location
Race Route Signs - $20
These are signs that will be placed along the route the day of the race. Purchase your sign In Memory of a loved one or In Honor of a current cancer warrior and/or survivor. Your sign will be available to take home at the conclusion of the race.