Coaches Really Do Matter
1. Paul was TRANSPARENT with Timothy.
2. Paul let Timothy know he LOVED him.
3. Paul let Timothy know he PRAYED for him.
4. Paul BELIEVED in Timothy.
5. Paul had tough WARNINGS for Timothy.
6. Paul ENCOURAGED Timothy.
7. Paul’s ACTIONS were louder than his words.
Small Group Discussion Questions:
1. Share one thing that stood out to you in this week’s sermon and why.
2. How does transparency in any relationship help to build trust? In which areas of your life do you struggle most to be transparent?
3. Do you find it more difficult to deliver tough warnings to someone you love or receive tough warnings from someone you love? Why?
4. While we live in a fast-paced world that’s dominated by emails, quick text messages, and social media “likes” as communication methods, what actions can we take to impact others for Christ?